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What is perinatal asphyxia, cephalohematoma, and hypoxic brain injury?

What is perinatal asphyxia, cephalohematoma, and hypoxic brain injury?

There are other types of birth injuries, including perinatal asphyxia, cephalohematoma, and hypoxic brain injury. They are all serious, regardless of what type of brain injury occurred. There are other more common birth injuries like cerebral palsy, which are again, primarily due to hypoxic brain injury. When a child has cerebral palsy, that is most likely occurring due to some form of brain injury.

They can have physical effects, they can have other effects as a result of that type of brain injury. They’re almost always very serious and they need serious medical attention. Many times, those situations should be investigated by attorneys. If you believe, or aren’t sure, that your child has suffered a birth injury,

Partner Jeffrey S. Wrage and the attorneys of Blachly, Tabor, Bozik & Hartman will assist you in investigating that type of claim. Give us a call today.

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